老子上善若水 Great virtue is like water.


Great virtue is like water.

This comes from Dao De Jing (Classic of the Way and Virtue), also known as Lao Zi (The Book of Lao Zi). It means that the greatest virtue is like water, nurturing all things without competing with them.

Lao Zi (dates unknown), or Li Er, a thinker of the Spring and Autumn Period (770-476 BC) and the founder of philosophical Daoism, used this simile to advocate that a virtuous ruler should govern with the gentle and accommodating qualities displayed by water. He should assist and provide for people just as water does, rather than competing with them for resources. Later this term came to mean that one should act as water does in nourishing all things and do one’s best to help others without seeking fame or profit. It also implies virtues such as endurance and modesty.

中国翻译协会常务副会长 黄松
中国翻译协会常务副会长 黄松宣读标准发布词。

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